Hi everybody, hope life is treating you all well? Am writing this listening to this years' budget being read out on Radio 4, I know I am SO 'rock and roll'! We have had a terrific start to the year, Ashknott Cottage and Bewerley Hall Cottage are back in full swing, our booking calendars are looking busy and we are welcoming back lots of familiar faces. Just like any business, you cannot afford to stand still and we are always trying to improve our product and our service to our guests. We have received terrific feedback regarding our new on-line booking system and hopefully you will all agree, just how much easier it is to use and find your way around. We are very excited to learn that we have been featured in Aprils' edition of 'Living North' magazine where they have featured great places to stay including our own 'Yorkshire Bolt Holes'. Thank you to Georgina Farrer - http://www.livingnorth.com for requesting our info.
We are also delighted to become involved with a new venture that has recently taken off in Nidderdale and have just become a 'Firm friend of Nidderdale'. By becoming a Firm Friend, we are demonstrating that our business take its environmental and social responsibility seriously and that we actively encourage the patronage of local shops and produce whilst our guests are enjoying their holiday in this stunning area of natural beauty. More info can be found at http://www.nidderdalefirmfriends.co.uk
Well back to it folks!
Sarah x