Thursday, 19 June 2014

Le Tour is nearly here in Yorkshire!

Two weeks to go folks and the county is going bike crazy!

It's fantastic everybody is getting into the spirit with yellow bikes on walls of homes, shops, businesses and on dry stone walls and even in our lush green fields!

Here in Nidderdale there are celebrations galore organised with the towns and villages really getting on board, so here's to a cracking weekend and let's put Yorkshire well and truly on the map!

Have fun!


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year from Sarah at Yorkshire Bolt Holes!

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2014

The end of one year and the beginning of the next is always a great opportunity to reflect both personally and within the business.

Last year was Yorkshire Bolt Holes busiest!  96% occupancy at Bewerley Hall Cottage and 83% at Ashknott Cottage, that's not bad if I say so myself!  That's a lot of washing, ironing, cleaning and loo rolls but the most important thing is knowing that my guests have enjoyed their stay, discovered a new area and wish to return to explore more the next time.

I am so lucky to have the opportunity to look after you all and will always strive to do my best.

2014 is going to be a fantastic year for both Yorkshire Bolt Holes and Yorkshire in general.  The county is very excited to be hosting the 'Tour de France' in July, which will put the area certainly on the map both within the UK and across the world. 

Whatever the year ahead brings.... let's be happy, healthy and take some time out for our ourselves and enjoy!

Best wishes
