Monday 25 March 2013

Springtime in Nidderdale

Hello Everybody!
Well here we are nearly at the end of March and Easter just around the corner.  This month we've welcomed back a few familiar faces as well as some new ones, we sat outside in the sunshine at the beginning of March and here I am writing to you on the 25th March with the log burner on and that white stuff called snow laying around outside!  Let's hope that the warmer days are just around the corner as we change our clocks to British Summer Time this weekend!
I love Spring.  I love to see the newly born lambs skipping about the fields as I drive upto our cottages in Nidderdale.  Everything is coming back to life and starting to grow again in the garden and these new green shoots seem to give everybody a real lift with the hope of sunnier and longer days within easy grasp.  Events are being planned, the wedding season is upon us and local attractions up and down the dale are getting ready for this years visitors. 
Life at Yorkshire Bolt Holes is as busy as ever.  We've received fantastic comments about the newly refurbished bathroom at Bewerley Hall Cottage and are looking forward to a busy and sunny Summer.
We are also very excited to be working with a new and very local toiletry provider, who is currently creating our very own signature scent no less... watch this space for more info to come, in fact I am testing out the samples this week! 
As I sign off, have yourselves a lovely relaxing Easter and here's to Spring and new beginnings....
Sarah, Tim and Riley the dog x